About The Founder

Like most kids growing up in the near-permanent sunshine of Southern California, I was very active. If I wasn’t playing basketball or soccer, you could often find me getting my friends and neighbors to put on a dance show, holding rehearsals in the backyard. 

I’ve always been a devoted dancer and enthusiastic athlete. By my teen years, I was in dance class over eight hours a week,  played basketball into my teen years, and continued to pursue dance with more intensity through high school and college. I was driven and active. I was in love with the art, and in love with the athleticism.  I had the gifts of youth and practice hours on my side. 

But guess what?

Even as a kid, I noticed my body had a “good side,” and a nagging and obvious “bad side.”

My left leg was the one I trusted for balance. I preferred to jump and land on my left. My left side *seemed* to be more flexible. My right leg felt strong, but I never wanted to use it. I couldn’t balance on it. It wasn’t as flexible. No matter how much drilling I did, this experience never really changed. Even through college. 

So, I bought into the belief that everyone is imbalanced, and maybe I just needed to work harder. Or maybe my right leg was longer. Or  I hadn’t found the perfect exercise/drill to fix it. 

A scarier thought also haunted me: Maybe I’m just not that good.

I carried on through my young adult life trusting 50% of my body at any given time to execute any given motion. Yeesh.

Then through a series of unexpected and serendipitous forces, I discovered Postural Alignment Training and Corrective Exercise. Finally! A solution to the problem I had given up trying to solve. Turns out…

The reason I couldn’t balance or trust my right leg? 

My right hip was elevated. 

My right hip didn’t externally rotate very well 

My body had gotten VERY strong operating in this position

This was a MAJOR unlock, and KNOWING this was the first step on the road to changing the very thing I thought couldn’t be changed. Not only that, it completely altered the trajectory of my career, and how I look at physical performance.

I have now helped thousands of people resolve chronic pain and optimize performance for 12 years. I also continue to do this work myself, which allowed me to come out of my dance retirement in my mid-thirties. Does it come off as braggy when I say I still have the energy to keep up with most 20 year-olds in class? Sure. But it’s a victory lap I’m happy to take! And while I have always been an energetic person,  the principles of postural alignement have given me the physical ability to keep up in class and during workouts – because now I know how to reset my body over and over again so it can still perform at its best.

And now I am on a mission to help as many people as possible experience the same level of freedom.