What Exactly Is Alignment Training?

We all know how important it is to move your body, strengthen your body, and stretch your body.

“Motion is lotion” and “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”

We have heard this before. But there is an element that is frequently overlooked:

The body you take INTO the activity is the body you’re moving, strengthening, and stretching.

This means any imbalance or compensation you’re carrying (consciously or unconsciously), is only getting further enforced.

The Good News:

Did you know that your muscles move your bones, and actually hold the alignment you’re in? Yes, this includes knock knees, bowed legs, pronated feet, tight hips, sway back, kyphosis, scoliosis…. I could go on. 

This also means you can train your muscles to hold a different alignment. A more functional, and balanced alignment. We don’t even realize that we’re in a structure that we have trained, mostly because it’s been unconscious. 

This is where the Unleashed Movement comes in. We will get to the root of any imbalance or dysfunction, discover the source of your chronic pain, and create exercises that will actually CHANGE and improve your structure. 

This will transform the body you take INTO the activity. This means: accessing the muscles you’ve had trouble activating or developing. Reducing - and eventually eliminating - chronic muscle tightness. Improved balance and stability. 

And ultimately, a massive shift in your confidence and performance.

It’s easier than you think. Let’s unleash!

Unleashed Movement Programs

Unleash Your Movement with

Bundle Programs

Select from our collection of bundles to suit your needs. While everybody moves uniquely, our body’s design is universal. These bundles provide you with the tools to reestablish strength,  coordination, and balance while removing compensation patterns that are holding you back.

Explore Bundles

Unleash Your Movement with

Personal Coaching

Select from our collection of bundles to suit your needs. While everybody moves uniquely, our body’s design is universal. These bundles provide you with the tools to reestablish strength,  coordination, and balance while removing compensation patterns that are holding you back.

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